Tracy Endorses Reeves to Fill His Senate Seat

Nov 08, 2017 at 09:53 am by bryan

Former State Senator Jim Tracy, who resigned his position this week to accept a job as state director of the USDA, has endorsed Shane Reeves to replace him.

Tracy says "I believe Shane Reeves is the best person to represent the 14th district for several reasons. The three main reasons are his experience as a business owner, his background in healthcare, and his family values."

Reeves announced he would seek Tracy's position just a few hours after his resignation. Later in the day, former State Representative Joe Carr announced he would seek the seat as well.

The Rutherford County Election Commission is awaiting word from Governor Haslam's office as to when a special election would take place. The person election would be sworn in soon after their election by the people.

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