Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Jul 11, 2012 at 08:14 am by bryan


For Sale: arm rests for 89-90 Chevy trucks; S-10 headlight switch 867-1010

For Sale: dresser $15 439-7682

For Sale: bicycle; lawnmower; keyboard (this musical instrument is loaded) 569-3971

For Sale: 20 piece dragon set $150; bullhorns $200; 7-ft. tall mirror $200 295-5505

For Sale: 18HP, 42-inch Poland riding mower $325; 22-inch push mower $45; Yard Sale: Thu. And Fri. 7AM 2107 Foxdale Drive 568-1361

For Sale: 20+ Southern Gospel CD's all for $10; computer desk; grand upright piano 569-7734

For Sale: 60 x 32 inch desk $25; GE 10,000 BTU AC $175; glide rocker with stool $25 631-6930

For Sale: 2000 gray Nissan Maxima, 145K miles, $5,000 306-4613

For Sale: Miller model 225 Bobcat welder generator 796-4205

For Sale: Yamaha guitar $125; Sear's Craftsman 18-inch chainsaw $40 895-1258

For Sale: new queen bed set $25; 4-cup Mr. Coffee $7; waffle iron $10 890-0707

For Sale: antique pool table $50; white truck 8-foot camper top $50 893-9418

Sections: Swap and Shop