Local Residents Getting Involved in Local Politics! Another Citizen Announces Run for Commission...

Oct 02, 2013 at 03:30 am by bryan

Edward Phillips has announced his candidacy for county commission in the eighth district of Rutherford County. The eighth district includes the communities of Christiana, Crescent, Midland, Rockvale, and the city of Eagleville.

“I have lived in Rutherford County my entire life and I am proud to raise a family here,” says Phillips.

Phillips and his wife Tiffany have two small children, Jenny Lee, who is nine and Elijah Lee, who is seven months old.

“Rutherford County is a great place to live and raise a family. That is why we see so many from around the country move to our county. I want to serve the citizens of the eighth district in a manner that will preserve our great county. We cannot keep outspending our revenue. We as a family must live within our incomes and governments should too,” says Phillips.

Edward Phillips graduated from Oakland High School and went on to earn a degree in History from Middle Tennessee State University.

“As a student of history, I have learned to study the past and make better decisions for the future. Just as in the past, taxing your citizens more in order to pay for growth in the budget does not work. Raising Taxes and increased regulation is what has gotten Detroit and other areas of the country in the mess they are in today. By adding 10 cents to the property tax rate for Rutherford County citizens, the county commission removed seven million dollars from the local economy. We cannot keep doing that,” says Phillips.

Edward Philips attends Walter Hill Church of Christ with his family and mother and father-in-law, Gayla and Kyle Jones of Christiana. He currently teaches seventh through ninth grade Sunday school and has previously taught adult Sunday classes and Wednesday night youth classes.

“Serving God and others is where my heart is. Serving as your commissioner will allow me to have one more opportunity to serve my community. I will not take this responsibility lightly. I believe in doing what is right and elected office deserves a servant’s heart,” says Phillips.

Edward Phillips is running for eighth district county commissioner. The Republican primary election will be held May 6, 2014. 


Edward Phillips

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