Murfreesboro TCAT Instructor Running Against Dejarlais

Oct 15, 2013 at 05:05 pm by bryan

Murfreesboro resident and longtime conservative activist Steve Lane announced Tuesday that he is running for Tennessee's fourth district U.S. House of Representatives, the seat currently held by Dr. Scott Dejarlais (R).  A spokesperson for his campaign told WGNS News that Lane is running as a Republican candidate.
Lane said, "I'm running because career politicians have threatened our nation with reckless spending. Five of my six children aren't old enough to vote, yet are already responsible for $55,000 in Federal debt. It's time we elected conservative representatives more interested in serving the public than serving themselves."
On July 25, 2013, a Ron Paul website showed Lane had launched an exploratory committee for the U.S. House race in the 4th Congressional District in TN. It also showed he was previously a committed 2012 Ron Paul delegate.
The Murfreesboro resident said, “Like most Tennesseans, I make my living by getting up, putting my boots on, and going to work - not by climbing the next rung in the ladder of professional politics.” 
Reports indicate that Lane is also active with Campaign for Liberty Rutherford County, a local grassroots effort to restore Constitutional principles and sound fiscal policy in our local and state governments!
Steve Lane is an associate instructor in the Building and Construction Division at Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) in Nashville.
His website is
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