School Students at One Local School Learn by Giving to Help Sheriff Deputy K-9

Oct 17, 2013 at 06:13 pm by bryan

Fourth and fifth graders at McFadden School of Excellence learned about courage in September and demonstrated giving in October.

Principal Dr. Clark Blair said the students’ value word for September was courage.

Students learned Rutherford County Sheriff’s K-9 Ely almost died due to heat exhaustion and read a story where Sheriff Arnold said the K-9s needed cooling vests.

 “Our 4th and 5th graders decided to take up change to help,” Dr. Blair said. “That change amounted to $500 that we are going to present to the K-9 officer and his dog.”

Student Mena Hanson took the project to heart and sold cookies to raise money.

During a school assembly Monday, Mena, fellow student Bailey Hughes and the fourth and fifth grade students presented a check for $510 to Sheriff Robert Arnold for Ely, the K-9 who suffered heat exhaustion Sept. 8.

Teacher Ann Jackson told Sheriff Arnold the students wanted to protect the K-9 dogs.

Sheriff Arnold thanked the students for their contribution and promised to use the money for brave dogs like Ely and bloodhound Ethel, who also attended the assembly.

K-9 Sgt. Lee Young , who partners with Ely, told students that officers and K-9s were searching for a “bad guy” when Ely got too hot and collapsed. The paramedics treated Ely until Dr. Sara Covert arrived and treated Ely for several hours. Ely spent several days at Williams Animal Hospital before he received a transfusion from another dog and recovered.

“With prayers, he got well,” Sgt. Young said.


Lisa Marchesoni, Public information officer - Rutherford County Sheriff's Office

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