Salvation Army Angel Tree Distribution Thursday

Dec 17, 2013 at 02:55 pm by bryan

The Salvation Army is gearing up for their Angel Tree distribution this Thursday. Lieutenants Andy and Monica Seiler tell WGNS news 492 children and 212 families will benefit from the community's generosity this year. They told us that each child, who is old enough to ride a bike, will receive one this year. They received a generous donation of 30 bikes and helmets from a good samaritian this year. That's in addition to those who asked for a bike for Christmas. Also, for those in the community who have purchased gift cards at Kroger as part of the Food For Angels program, you'll be glad to know all 212 families will receive gift cards to help with Christmas dinner.

WGNS will be broadcasting "LIVE" from the Angel Tree distribution at the local Salvation Army this Thursday during the Truman Show and Rutherford Issues, from 9am until 11am.

Sections: News