Infant deaths in Tennessee - It can be prevented

Apr 07, 2014 at 08:11 pm by bryan

The Tennessee Department of Health aims to reduce the number of sleep-related deaths of infants. Local mother “Sandy” knows about infant deaths all too well. She lost her son "Grant" in 2009...

Sandy has made it her mission to educate other parents and caregivers about safe sleep practices for babies to help save children’s lives.

The Tennessee Department of Health launched a Safe Sleep campaign nearly two years ago to help reduce the number of infant deaths in Tennessee related to unsafe sleep practices.

The primary message for parents and others who care for infants is to “Remember the ABCs of Safe Sleep.” There are three critical measures to follow when it’s time for an infant to sleep:

In 2012, 121 Tennessee babies died while sleeping because someone rolled on top of them, they became entrapped in something in the bed and were strangled or they were caught between an adult or another child and the back of a couch or chair. Such deaths are preventable by following the ABCs of Safe Sleep.

Source Information:

TN Dept. of Health Safe Sleep campaign at

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