TUESDAY: Special Olympics Fundraiser at Toot's on Broad St.

May 04, 2014 at 03:03 pm by bryan

Toot’s customers enjoying “good food and fun” will be asked Tuesday to spread the enjoyment by donating to Special Olympians from Rutherford County competing in the state and national competitions.

“Wings and Rings” will be from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Toot’s restaurant on Northwest Broad Street.

Sheriff Robert Arnold said School Resource Officers will ask customers to be generous in supporting Rutherford County’s developmentally challenged athletes who will advance to the state games May 16-17 in Nashville and the national Special Olympics in June in Princeton, N.J.

“Our SROs believe in helping the special needs students to compete in the local, state and national Special Olympics,” Sheriff Arnold said. “We hope customers will be generous to sponsor the athletes who will represent Rutherford County.”

Special Olympics Co-Chair Lou Paschall said the “Wings and Rings” event pays expenses for 44 athletes and coaches to compete in the state games.

“Those athletes will compete in sports such as track and field events, aquatics, bocce and unified bocce, and powerlifting,” Paschall said.

Rutherford County will also be sending two athletes to the National Games in Princeton, N.J.  Casey Martin and Marvin Robinson will attend the state summer games in order to prepare for the nationals. Although funds raised on Tuesday will be directed toward state and national competition, the funds will still exclusively benefit athletes from Rutherford County.

Toot’s General Manager Rachel Hunter said the local restaurant knows how important it is to give back to the community who has made the restaurant a success whether hosting an event or participating in an event.

“We love the ‘Wings and Rings’ event because it has such an awesome energy surrounding it,” Hunter said. “The people who participate in Special Olympics and the people who help behind the scenes are all amazing people and it's because of that we want to show our support for such a great cause.”

Paschall said she is grateful for the tremendous community support of Area 16 Special Olympics and the athletes.

“We are honored to have the ongoing opportunity to partner with Toot's and Sheriff Arnold and the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office,” Paschall said. “Please join us Tuesday night for some good food and fun and support a great cause.”

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