Mayor McFarland Re: N. Maney Improvements

Jun 13, 2014 at 03:00 pm by bryan

Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland was on WGNS' Action Line this past Wednesday morning, and he has an answer to the question dealing with the North Maney Avenue improvements.

Concerning the progress of the North Maney improvements along with Lytle redevelopment timelines, Mayor McFarland went to City Engineer Chris Griffith.

Here is his response:

We currently have the initial preliminary construction plans completed. Our next step will be to reach out to some of the interested neighborhood groups (Oaklands Mansion, Main Street, etc.) to begin getting feedback from the public. I also want to meet with the property owners at the Lytle Street intersection one on one.  We currently have a slight adjustment at Lytle Street which will require some ROW but not a entire purchase of any of the corners.  We'll also have an advertised public meeting to get additional feedback.

My plans are to reach out to the smaller groups in July and August and have the larger public meeting in either August or September. The current CIP has construction funding in early 2015 which should be good with our current construction plan development.  Based on funding and our current schedule, we should be able to have a recommendation to Council for a low bidder in spring, 2015.

Mayor McFarland is still working to find answers for these questions:

1). Striping colors:  would we consider striping colors that designated speed limits?

2). Front Street/West Main:  saloon using sidewalks as a ash tray. Much trash in the area in front of the saloon.

3). Street signs down in areas.

4). Emergency shelter for the public:

5). Bellwood subdivision lot at the corner of Tremont and Houston Drives. The lot is not being mowed, check who owns and get it maintained?

7). VA golf course weeds across from Cherry Lane give poor "first impression" of Murfreesboro for the thousands of visitors to the Siegel Soccer Park. Is there a reason the city is not mowing this?

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