Rutherford County Schools releases TCAP results

Jul 30, 2014 at 11:21 am by bryan

The latest achievement results for Rutherford County Schools show similar trends to the statewide outcomes, which were released today by the Tennessee Department of Education.

The Department of Education typically releases achievement data in late July from the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program, otherwise known as TCAP for the state as a whole and for individual districts. The state is expected to release results from Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System TVAAS in August and then the full annual education Report Card later this year.

Rutherford County’s multi-year average for elementary subjects is higher, although the one-year scores were down marginally or showed no change. High school results showed significant growth, Director of Schools Don Odom said.

“Statewide and in Rutherford County, one-year scores for Reading/Language Arts were slightly lower for grades 3-8 probably indicating a testing variation since multi-year Reading/Language Arts are up,” Director Odom said about the achievement results released today. “Elementary mathematics score trends for 2014 were also relatively flat across the state.

“Generally, high school scores across the state and for Rutherford County moved upward for 2014. For Rutherford County, the accountability subjects of English II (+6.1%) and Algebra II (+3.6%) proficiency rates trended upward over the prior year,” Odom said.

Another positive note was that more than 75% of Rutherford County schools met all of their state set Annual Measurable Objective achievement goals for 2014. There are 11 proficient/advanced achievement target goals identified within grades 3-12.

Federally mandated gap closure goals comparing all non-gap students to groupings of Black/Hispanic/Native American, Economically Disadvantaged, Limited English Proficient, and Students with Disabilities remains a challenge when the closure of gap percentages are compared to the rising overall achievement trend for students.

“Rutherford County Schools, like other public school districts in Tennessee, has the task of meeting variable annual accountability improvements for 11 subjects, graduation rate and 16 gap closure goals plus another 133 subgroup achievement goals covering the seven identified academic and graduation rate groupings,” Director Odom said.

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