How fun! A real cash mob in Murfreesboro.

Aug 11, 2014 at 08:32 pm by bryan

Murfreesboro Cash Mob is mobbing Murfreesboro! This group is created with the intent to support local businesses by having members patronize them on the same day to boost sales and/or provide recognition. Once a month, a local establishment or event will be "targeted" by this group. Members will be asked to patronize on that date. "Target" businesses or events can be nominated from any member of the Facebook group. Monthly "Target" will come from a general consensus of the voting members. Business target requested to be in the Murfreesboro area. Members can spend .10, $10, $100 or browse during the Cash Mob Event, all in recognition and support of the locally Mobbed business.

Only locally owned and operated shops or events are eligible for "Murfreesboro Cash Mob". This is a free group, signing up on Murfreesboro Cash Mob Facebook Page. Members are known as "Mobsters". This concept was created in Chagrin Falls Ohio, when a locally owned store was mobbed by the community in financial support of saving a local store. Today the Twinsburg Ohio Cash Mob has over 1,500 Mobsters supporting and recognizing local business's each month.

Murfreesboro Cash Mob will hold their first MOB in September at Holden Hardware, located in downtown Murfreesboro. Facebook Members (Mobsters) are encouraged to Mob this locally owned and operated establishment anytime between 9 am-noon on Saturday, September 27th, 2014. Additional MOBS and updates are announced on the Murfreesboro Cash Mob Facebook page.

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