City Planning Director discloses personal property contract agreement

Oct 01, 2014 at 10:43 am by bryan

In full disclosure, City Planning Director Joseph D. Aydelott has notified City Recorder Melissa Wright, City Manager Rob Lyons, and City Attorney Susan McGannon of a personal contract agreement to sell approximately 6.8 acres of personally-owned property at 728 W. Thompson Lane. Mr. Aydelott notified the City in a memo dated Sept. 17, 2014.

Landmark intends to seek a zoning change for the property from its current RS-15 zoning (Single-Family Residential District) to PRD (Planned Residential Development). PRD zoning stipulates precise specifications that must be adhered to before securing approval for property development.

The proposed PRD, called Tuscany, would allow the construction of 34 single-family dwelling units on 6.8 acres. The proposed homes will be a minimum of 1,800 square feet with a 2-car garage and consist of entirely masonry exterior.

To avoid conflict of interest, Mr. Aydelott has also advised City administrators that he will not participate in the Planning Department, Planning Commission and City Council review of the zoning application or any subsequent site plan or subdivision plat submittals. The City Manager met with Planning Department staff and advised the team that questions or issues about the application or process should be directed to the City Manager and that under no circumstances should Mr. Aydelott participate in any discussion or review any aspect of the process.

"The application must be reviewed on its own merits," stated City Manager Rob Lyons. "It is essential to protect the integrity of the process and Mr. Aydelott has been fully supportive of this decision."

"I have advised my staff that I will not be involved in discussing the application or in preparation of the staff reports or comments," said City Planning Director Joseph Aydelott. In addition, he informed his staff "that they are not to involve me in any of the review meetings.


Michael Browning, M.P.A.
Public Information Officer (P.I.O.)
City of Murfreesboro

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