Predicting Traffic Fatalities is the latest technology for the TN Highway Patrol

Jul 19, 2015 at 12:30 pm by bryan

New technology is turning into a legitimate life-saver for the Tennessee Highway Patrol. What troopers are now doing has never been done before. What they're doing could give anyone a second chance.

THP Colonel Tracy Trott calls it predictive analytics. It uses color-coded data to predict the future and prevent highway deaths. On a more simplified level, troopers can look at maps based on crash history, maps, and things like big events. The models rate certain areas by color to determine the highest accident risk. It can even predict the time of day when there's a greater risk.

Troopers will then deploy to the area and use their basic traffic enforcement skills to help lower the chance of a tragedy.

Tennessee has been using it, and accidents are down 7 percent. Four of the last five years have been the safest on state roads since 1963. "We think the public and citizens of Tennessee are seeing the benefit," Trott added.

This year to date, there have been nearly 40 fewer deaths in Tennessee.


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Secondary Source: WKRN-News 2

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