Murfreesboro 2035: Population Growth could equal 228,000 total residents or More

Oct 22, 2015 at 02:10 pm by bryan

The Murfreesboro Planning Commission will gather for a Special Meeting at Noon, Tues., Oct. 27, 2015, to hear a presentation from consultant Kendig Keast Collaborative (KKC) on Murfreesboro 2035 comprehensive plan.

The special meeting is part of the 2-year process of developing a comprehensive plan for the City of Murfreesboro called Murfreesboro 2035: Our Future Begins Now.

Murfreesboro 2035 is a community-wide process to plan for the next 20 years of growth and development. The final results of the two-year planning process is the City of Murfreesboro's Comprehensive Plan, a community guidebook that specifies policy, program, and project initiatives for the City.

Sub consultant Neel-Shaffer, Inc. continues to analyze traffic, growth, and future land use in preparation for the Major Thoroughfare Plan to be presented in Fall 2015.

Murfreesboro City Manager Rob Lyons told News Radio WGNS in a past interview:

The last time a Comprehensive Plan was developed for Murfreesboro was in 1989.

Housing in the Future for Murfreesboro

As available land for residential development becomes scarcer, developing affordable housing becomes critical. KKC planners presented analysis, as defined by HUD, which shows many Murfreesboro households are already "cost-burdened" or "extremely cost-burdened." Cost-burdened refers to households that spend over 30 percent of their monthly income on housing. Extremely cost-burdened refers to households that spend over 50 percent of their monthly income on housing. Nearly one-third of Murfreesboro homeowners with a mortgage are classified as cost-burdened but planners revealed that the situation is worse for those who rent.

"With respect to renters, we found that 52.4 percent of renters in Murfreesboro are cost-burdened and that has increased 8.2 percent since 2000," said Frances Ketterman, Kendig Keast Collaborative consultant.

Affordable housing is just one of Murfreesboro's challenges. According to Chapter 2, Growth Capacity, Murfreesboro grew by more than 35,000 residents over the past 14 years, and it is expected to keep the fast pace in the near and mid-term.

Who: The Murfreesboro Planning Commission.

What: The Murfreesboro Planning Commission will gather to hear from consultant Kendig Keast Collaborative (KKC) and discuss the Murfreesboro 2035 comprehensive plan as it relates to Murfreesboro's quality of life, community character, land use, and growth capacity.

When: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 - Noon.

Where: Administrative Conference Room / City Hall, 111 W. Vine Street / Murfreesboro, TN 37130

Citizens can view the full draft report on the City's Murfreesboro 2035 webpage clicking the tab on the left entitled Comprehensive Plan Chapters. Please give the PDF document sufficient time to download.

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