Alcoholic Beverage Commission Hits Bunganut Pig For Gambling Devices

Aug 29, 2011 at 10:49 pm by bryan

The state Alcoholic Beverage Commission (ABC) reports that Murfreesboro's Bunganut Pig reportedly had six electronic gaming machines. The Alcoholic Beverage Commission says they acted on a tip from an anonymous customer who claimed payoffs were being made.

Allegedly, restaurant owners Rudy Ann and Tony Gainous told ABC agents that they were not aware that the devices were illegal.

Alcoholic Beverage Commission agents entered the restaurant at 1602 West Northfield Boulevard on August 16th, and sealed the devices. Agents returned again the next day. However, since no agents witnessed any payoff transaction, criminal charges will not be issued. ABC notes that $197 in cash was confiscated, and fines of $350 per machine will be levied. That totals $2,100. 

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