Automation Could Kill 1.4 Million Jobs in Tennessee

Mar 22, 2016 at 08:44 am by bryan

A report released by the state of Tennessee suggests that up to 1.4 million people are at risk of losing their jobs to automation.

Citing a study by the Center for Economic Research in Tennessee, the Knoxville News Sentinel reports that automation could replace nearly 50 percent of the state's workforce.

The findings were published on the Tennessee Workforce Disruption Index last week. According to the report, automation would change the way the workplace is configured and would make new demands on educational facilities.

Randy Boyd, the commissioner of the state's Department of Economic and Community Development, says that a massive loss of jobs could be avoided by shifting educational resources and by training workers for the new career opportunities.

He says the people who are most at risk of losing jobs are those who don't have post-secondary skills.


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