Feb 17, 2017 at 08:59 am by bryan

On Thursday evening (2/17/2017) the Rutherford County Commission approved construction of Rockvale High School.

The commissioners voted 20 - 0 to fund the new high school in Rockvale.

Chairman of the Rutherford County Board of Education Jeff Jordan, a former county commissioner and educator, noted, "This is a great day - the Rockets will get their high school back."

The unique of school closed in 1972 and most of it was razed. The only remains are the old gym. This made way for the development a new campus for elementary, middle and high school. Now the Blue and White will soon again share a massive campus on highway 99.

Commissioner Pettus Read said, "As the county commissioner from District 8 and Rockvale , I was honored to help with the motion and vote to once again place a new high school in Rockvale! After 45 years since the high school studies were moved to Riverdale, construction will begin on a two story structure behind the Rockvale Middle School at the cost of approximately $59 million."

The new Rockvale High School is expected to be open for classes in August of 2019.

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