Mayor McFarland Responds To WGNS' Listener Questions

Apr 23, 2017 at 02:17 pm by bryan

Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland participated in his popular "Talk To The Mayor" broadcast over WGNS. As always, the city leader received constant questions from local residents. There were several questions that required research.

As Mayor McFarland promised, here are answers to those concerns:

1) Property that is on County Farm Road...what are the development plans.

This is difficult to answer without knowing which specific property. Only a portion of County Farm Road just south of Joe B Jackson remains in the City. It is mostly developed with City and County residential including Stevens Bend and Chestnut Hill in the City. Stevens Bend is built out and Chestnut Hill has some additional land available for more residential lots. Since a portion of County Farm was renamed Joe B Jackson, many still refer to it as County Farm Road. The City has received a development zoning plan for a retail and commercial center located at Church Street. Its north of Wal-Mart and South of Savannah Ridge Drive. My best guess is that is the subject of the question. Most recently, we have seen a plan for Aldi but nothing recent on the balance of the property.

2) Timeline on West Park

Kimley-Horn, the Architect and Engineering firm that is contracted to design the park, provided the projected timeline of construction beginning in June of 2018, with park completion by August of 2019. City Council requested an earlier completion; City staff is working now to shorten the timeline.

3) What are the construction plans for the corner of Hwy 99 and Warrior Drive and what has been going on with the filling?

Again, difficult to answer without more information. There are no specific plans at the intersection corners. However, is it possible that the question is regarding Eds Supply, and HVAC equipment supplier that recently opened? City staff have additionally received plans, but no construction documents, for an apartment complex (Riverwatch) and this month Sonic.

4) Bradyville Road.....what's the timeline -

A tentative construction timeline as it currently stands is in fall 2019. Murfreesboro's Transportation Department is in contact with TDOT for a detailed time schedule for the project.

5) Broad street.....Bridge work and road patching -

Murfreesboro's Transportation Department is working with TDOT on fixing the rough pavement at the utility cuts.

6) Bradyville Pike: Apartment Complex...gravel parking lot.....

Without a specific address, City staff researched and noted that there are many gravel drives and/or parking areas on Bradyville Pike. The zoning ordinance requires multifamily (apartments) to have a paved surface for parking. Single-family can be gravel. If this is in reference to an existing established apartment complex, it is possible that gravel was acceptable when it was constructed.

7) Street signs being missed, bent or stolen? -

To report any issues with street signs, go to City Main Webpage, type "signs" in the search box and on the Signs page click "reporting missing traffic signs".

8) How do we monitor apartments that are changing their names.....

Emergency Services (911) monitors requests by street address which doesn't change even if the property owner or name changes. There are some city services such as new entry sign permits, alarm registration and utilities where name changes may be tracked if there is a change in the service/customer profile. Otherwise, the City is not monitoring apartment name changes.

9) Call Dwight Ogleton 615-487-9670

Assistant City Manager Jennifer Moody contacted Dwight Ogleton and he is requesting that the City consider funding a "Youth Summer Jobs Program" that he says is a program that was previously funded by Community Development under former Director John Minter. From his description, the program sounds similar to the Rutherford Works High School Internship program run by Workforce Development at the Chamber; however, perhaps more targeted to minority and at-risk youth. Jennifer agreed to follow up with a phone call to others, whom he says has more information about the specifics of how the program was run. Dwight was unable to answer whether there is a church or nonprofit entity that would coordinate the program or whether he was looking for the City to administer the program.

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