U.S. Secret Service says Murfreesboro man made White House explosion threat

Jul 10, 2017 at 06:05 pm by bryan

A special agent with the United States Secret Service contacted Murfreesboro Police in regards to a Facebook post that was on the official White House Facebook page. Apparently, the post suggested that the poster was going to blow up the White House and then commit suicide.

When Murfreesboro Police met with the man who was accused of making such a threat, it was quickly realized that the 66 year old subject had a hard time hearing officers and that he had a tough time understanding why they were visiting with him. The report also stated that the Dill Lane man never admitted to getting on Facebook and making any type of statement at all.

While the local resident was not arrested, he was transported to the hospital for an evaluation.

As for the man's Facebook page, it is evidently down at this time.


MPD Incident 17-14499

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