Aug 28, 2017 at 08:46 am by bryan

MTSU Professor of Journalism Dr. Larry Burris has views on ESPN and political correctness:

Every time I think political correctness can't get any more out of hand I discover, yes it can. The latest iteration involves a part-time ESPN sportscaster named Robert Lee, who is oriental, has absolutely no connection to the now-controversial Civil War general.

It seems Lee was due to announce the University of Virginia's first football game next month. But ESPN officials say they are concerned about stirring up controversy, and about his safety.

And that has left me somewhat confused.

For many people, it is the alt-right that is seen as violent and confrontational. But I assume it is people on the left who would object to Lee calling the game, and therefore ESPN is concerned about those liberals harming him. But since the liberals are the ones most decrying violence and intimidation, why would they target Lee in the first place? Unless, of course, they can't tell the difference between a civil war general and an oriental sportscaster.

ESPN also claims they are concerned some people might get upset with Lee calling the game. But I hate to think what would happen if every time someone got upset about a sportscaster the station or network decided to relocate them.

You know what might be interesting: do a Google search of the names of Confederate leaders, and see how many currently living Americans have the same name. And then ask your nearest thought police officer if that person should be fired from their job.

In fact, I did an Internet search, and found there are more than 11-thousand people in the United States named "Robert Lee."

So I have to wonder, suppose one of them becomes really, really famous for doing something really, really great, and has a plaque or park or bridge named in their honor. Will the thought police protest that too. Or will the local community forgo the honor for fear someone might get upset.

Sections: News