Be careful, you could hit a deer in Tennessee

Oct 02, 2017 at 08:33 am by bryan

According to new claims data from State Farm, the odds drivers will hit a deer in Tennessee are 1 out of 143, above the national odds of 1 in 162.

Using its claims data and state licensed driver counts from the Federal Highway Administration, State Farm, the nation's leading auto insurer, estimates the state by state chances of any single American motorist striking a deer, elk or moose.

More 2017 State Farm deer collisions facts:

The months a driver is most likely to collide with a deer in Tennessee, mostly due to mating season, are:

For the 11th year in a row, West Virginia tops the list of states where a collision is most likely with 1 in 43 odds.

Avoid becoming a statistic

Injuries, vehicle damage and fatalities all can result from vehicle collisions with deer. In 2013, 191 deaths were the result of collisions with animals, with deer being the animal most often struck, according to the Insurance Information Institute and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

These tips could help drivers avoid a collision:

And here are some deer facts that all drivers should know:

"There is an increased risk of a collision with deer around dawn and dusk, and also during the fall breeding season," said Kip Diggs, State Farm spokesperson. "We encourage drivers to be aware and on the lookout at all times, because you never know when you may need to react to a deer or other obstacle that may unexpectedly be in your path."

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