Special Kids annual Double Challenge

Nov 21, 2017 at 06:33 am by bryan

The Special Kids annual Double Challenge is now underway and will go through Friday, December 1st.

The annual Double Challenge means that the first $31,000 will be matched, thanks to generous investors, through December 1st!

The theme for this year's Double Challenge is "See His Vision. Double the Hope." based on Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see," and focuses on how individuals can step in and double the hope for children's therapies and the overall work of Special Kids.

Special Kids current caseload of 780 children is more than has ever been served, which is why Special Kids has set a goal of $286,000 to be raised through the Double Challenge this year.

The local non profit is encouraging investors to make their own commitment to the organization and ask friends, family and colleagues to give the same amount. If participants are unsure who to challenge, they should not be concerned. A group of generous anonymous investors have promised to match the first $31,000 given.

Special Kids was founded in Murfreesboro on the pillar that no child would be turned away due to a family's inability to pay for services. The money raised through the campaign will help provide life-changing therapy and nursing services to families who would not otherwise be able to afford them.

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