MT FB Press Conference Before KY Game

Nov 12, 2018 at 03:34 pm by bryan

Hear what Coach Rick Stockstill and players had to say about last week's win at UTEP and traveling to Kentucky this Saturday.

Coach Rick Stockstill:

QB Brent Stockstill:

Linebacker Darius Harris:

Middle Tennessee Football Press Conference Quotes
Head Coach Rick Stockstill
Opening statement:
"We're playing a really talented Kentucky team this week. This is our third one in the sec. I think Georgia was ranked #2 when we played them and this team is in the top 15. Typical SEC team at a lot of positions. They're really big and strong up front on both sides of the ball. They've got one of the top running backs in the country, let alone the SEC. He's a really good hard-nosed, tough runner. They've got a really special pass rusher at defensive end that has really dominated the SEC in the first 10 games for them. Coach Stoops has done a fantastic job there of building that program since he's been there. We need to have a great week of preparation. When you play teams like this there isn't much margin for error. We have to make sure we play well in all three phases of the game. But we're going to be excited and ready to play this game."

On playing an out of conference opponent this late in the season:
"I don't know if the challenges are any different. It kind of breaks up your rhythm a little bit. We've played seven straight conference games. I don't think it really presents anything different. It's a little bit unique for us. Usually we get all of those non-conference games knocked out early in the season. It doesn't matter when you play them, we've got to be ready to play. This is one of the best teams in the country so we've got to be ready to play and I know we will be."

On what he remembers from the 2008 game the most:
"We got beat. We played our tails off. We blocked the field goal at the end and scooped and ran it back. Then they called a penalty for block in the back that moved us back a bit. We threw a hail mary and we caught it at the two or three and got tackled at the one. Ball game. We got beat."

On stopping pass rusher Josh Allen:
We've got to be able to run the ball. If you're one dimensional then he can just pin his ears back and come. Stay out of third and long situation which correlates to being good on first down. Our running backs have to block and be very good fundamentally or you'll have no chance."

On possibility of sitting certain player if game gets out of hand:
"It's not in my DNA. We're going ot try to win this game and worry about next week, next week. At Georgia, they offered to play the last quarter at 10 minutes. We didn't do it. We're playing the game. So we're not holding anyone back and we're not taking anyone out early."

On Wesley Bush's play this year:
"He's been very consistent. He got his feet wet last year. I'm very proud of Wesley and what he's done. Not because he got another pick return for touchdown but because he's done a lot of other good things for us."

On his team's turnover margin:
"I think the big thing is, we're taking advantage of the opportunities that we have to create a turnover. If you look back at last year, we had opportunities to have a bunch of turnovers but we didn't. We dropped interceptions, close to recovering fumbles but not coming up with it. This year we're coming up with it. I'm proud of our players and our coaches. We worked very hard at it last year but the ball didn't bounce our way. This year we're taking advantage of them. But we've always done that. We're finishing plays better this year than we did last year."

On what makes Kentucky's RB Snell so good:
"He's physical, he runs behind his pads, and he's strong. He's got speed where he can run away from you and strength to where he can run through you. He gets better as the game goes along. He's produced against everybody that they've played. He's one of the best in the country and there's a lot of really good back in the country this year."

On if he likes early games better:
"No question. If you ask me, we're going to play them all at noon. There's nothing worse than waiting all day in the hotel to play. You can't play them early enough for me. In 2015, I don't think we played a game after two o'clock. It's better for your coaches, your players, and your fans."

Redshirt Senior Quarterback Brent Stockstill
On Kentucky's Josh Allen:
"He's really good, and I hear he's going to be a first round draft pick next year. Obviously he's an outstanding player and the heart of their defense. Any time you play a guy like that, you have to have a great plan and figure out a way to slow him down. We'll have to have success with the run, and it's my job as the quarterback to get the ball out of my hands faster and get the protection set up right. But he's going to make plays and we can't let his plays dictate the game."

On the offense's big plays:
"It's good for us. You need to mix those in to loosen up the open up the defense. It gives our sideline a lot of momentum and excitement. Those plays are fun, it's why you play the game. We have lot of guys making big plays right now and it's really helping our team."

On playing another SEC East team:
"I know we're the only team in the conference (playing 3 SEC East teams). It's tough, but there's no excuses. It's the schedule they put in front of us. We played a tough Vanderbilt team, a Georgia team that was #2 at the time, and I'm sure Kentucky will be ranked somewhere in the teens."

On playing out of conference this late in the season:
"It's tough to play these teams any time in the schedule, but it doesn't matter when you are playing one of the best defenses in the country and one of the best running backs in the country. They may have dropped two in a row, but a few weeks ago they were top 10 in the country and they still have the same players and coaches. They'll be fired up to play us, so it'll be tough."

On MT freshman Zack Dobson:
"He's electric. He's fun to watch and we're all watching whenever he touches the ball. We're just trying to build him into our offense more and more each week. With a guy that's that explosive, you've got to find wants to get him the ball. He gets so excited whenever he gets the ball, he always has a huge smile on his face. You can tell he loves the game."

On Dobson's big run at UTEP:
"It's really fun from my perspective. I get to just let the ball go and just watch the rest of the player. I've had a lot of guys make explosive plays over the years like Richie James and Ty Lee. Zack is another guy that it takes more than one to bring him down."

Redshirt Senior Linebacker Darius Harris
On the defense's success forcing turnovers:
"It certainly boosts our confidence. The defense can add another level to the team when they get in on the scoring. It adds momentum and brings the team together."

On senior Wesley Bush:
"He's stepped up a lot this year and I trust him behind me. I trust everyone behind me in the secondary that they won't give up any deep balls or big plays. The secondary as a whole as has done a great job. Any time there's a deep ball, I like our guys in that matchup."

On sophomore DQ Thomas:
"He's progressed so much since last year, his freshman year. He's come a long way since then and he can still get better. As long as he can stay focused and get better every day, he has big potential."

On Kentucky running back Benny Snell:
"He's going to be one of the best guys we've faced this year. He's a tough runner and does big things with the ball in his hand. He's one of their key playmakers and they do a lot to get him the ball. We just have to get ready to work hard and tackle well."

On Kentucky's offensive line:
"We just have to work hard in our film studies and work hard to find their weaknesses. Once we have that, we can follow the game plan all week and in the game and we'll be in the right position to make plays."

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