US Senator Comments on Governors "Safer at Home" Push

Mar 31, 2020 at 08:02 am by bryan

United States Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) released the following statement on Governor Lee's "safer at home" order:

"Painful as it is, Governor Lee is right. Everything I've learned as chairman of the United States Senate health committee persuades me to support his decision. Staying at home is an essential step one in containing the disease and saving lives. New federal laws will help keep many payrolls coming and relieve some financial burdens. I am hard at work on step two, a new 'Manhattan Project' to produce the largest possible number of COVID-19 tests with quick results that will detect and isolate the few who are sick and care for them so the rest of America can go back to work, back to school and out to eat. At the same time, Congress has already put $11 billion into step three: a massive effort to create treatments and hopefully a vaccine."

Click HERE for more information on the legislation Congress passed, and President Trump signed into law, that Alexander says will provide "sweeping relief to keep paychecks coming for workers, to relieve financial burdens for Americans hurt by COVID-19, and especially, to contain the disease."

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