Candidate Ryan Harring Comments on Joe Car Winning 48th District

Aug 03, 2012 at 12:25 pm by bryan

After a hard fought campaign by Ryan Harring, Rep. Joe Carr (R-48) has won 
the primary and will run unopposed in the Nov. 6 general election.
“This race was an experiment for me,” Harring said. “I jumped in because I don’t think any politician 
should run unopposed, especially one with a questionable record, and I learned a lot from the 
experience and consider it very educational. Competition in the ballot box is necessary if we are to 
have a free society”
Harring took the opportunity of campaigning to relentlessly raise questions about Rep. Carr’s record 
and says that ‘accountability’ was his main reason for running.
“I believe that the voters deserved to know exactly what Mr. Carr had been doing while in office,” 
Harring said. “Whether it’s abusing the taxpayer-funded per diem system; breaking his pledge not to 
raise taxes; supporting Obamacare through the back door; or being bought and paid for by special 
interests; Rep.. Carr represents the same old establishment politics that people are tired of. A lot 
more voters are aware of his record now because of this campaign and I hope they will join with me in 
holding Rep. Carr accountable during this next term.”
According to an interview with Rep. Carr earlier in the campaign, he did not actively fundraise in the 
first two quarters of 2012 believing that it was not necessary to be ‘victorious.’ Despite his plan not to 
spend money campaigning, Tenn. Bureau of Ethics and Campaign Finance reports filed by Rep. Carr 
show nearly $11,000 in campaign expenses this year. Harring on the other hand ran his campaign on 
a shoestring budget raised mainly from grassroots donors.
“The fact that Rep. Carr hadn’t planned on campaigning says a lot,” Harring said. “He obviously 
thought he would just walk into re-election and apparently felt like he was entitled to it but he had to 
work for it this time. Reminding Rep. Carr that he does have to answer to the voters of our district is 
the primary reason that I entered this race.”
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