Bad ending... Woman accused of cutting up ex-boyfriends clothing and bed

Apr 08, 2013 at 07:50 pm by bryan

Talk about a bad ending to a relationship. A 52-year old man called Murfreesboro police after suspecting that his ex-girlfriend entered his Blackman area home and cut up his entire wardrobe. The police report specifies that over 100-pieces of clothing were shredded.

The report suggested the shredding did not end at his shirts and pants. Evidently the victims bed was also cut up. Several jackets, audio equiptment and "scissors" were also taken from the home. As far as how the subject made her way into the house, it would appear that she did not physically break in, but let herself in with a key.

The case is now under investigation. Needless to say, authorities do have a suspect.


Murfreesboro Police Incident Report #13-6598

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