Mosquito Madness in TENNESSEE - BEWARE

Apr 30, 2013 at 05:00 am by bryan

The Tennessee Department of Health is urging people to protect themselves from viruses transmitted by mosquitoes. Last year Tennessee experienced 33 human cases of West Nile virus, including one in December.

“It is extraordinarily unusual to see a confirmed case of West Nile virus in December in this part of the country, and it does cause concern and a need for increased awareness,” said Abelardo Moncayo, Ph.D., with the TDH Division of Communicable and Environmental Diseases and Emergency Preparedness. “While four out of five people with West Nile won’t show symptoms, others will develop severe illness and may suffer death or permanent neurological damage.”

Those at higher risk for serious complications from WNV include the elderly, persons who abuse alcohol and those with chronic health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. Symptoms usually appear between three to 14 days after a mosquito bite occurs and may include fever, aches and fatigue early in the illness. Those with severe illness may experience neck stiffness, disorientation, stupor, tremors, convulsions, loss of vision, numbness and paralysis.

Persons who think they may have West Nile virus should seek medical care immediately. Treatment of severe cases of WNV often involves hospitalization, administration of intravenous fluids, assistance with breathing and nursing care.

Mosquitoes become infected with West Nile virus by feeding on infected birds and can transmit the virus through their bites not just to humans, but also to horses, family pets and livestock. While there is now increased awareness of the disease, many may not be aware mosquitoes in Tennessee may carry many serious illnesses, such as Eastern equine encephalitis and La Crosse encephalitis, which mainly affects children. 

There are a number of effective ways to control mosquitoes in your neighborhood and to protect yourself and your animals from harm:

“Mosquitoes aren’t simply a backyard nuisance; they are potential carriers of many life-threatening diseases,” said TDH Commissioner John Dreyzehner, MD, MPH. “This has always been the case in many areas of the world with diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, and now West Nile virus, causing suffering and sometimes death. We all have a responsibility to reduce mosquito breeding areas near our homes to protect our neighbors and ourselves.”

Thus far this year, there have been four active cases of malaria and two cases of dengue fever in Tennessee; in 2012 there were 11 cases of malaria and six of dengue fever.  All involved travel outside of the United States, providing evidence that mosquito-borne illnesses continue to be a serious health threat.


Tennessee Department of Health

For additional information about mosquito-borne illness, visit the American Mosquito Control Association website

For more information about West Nile virus from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, go to

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