Give Blood To RED CROSS Before Jan. 5, 2020

Dec 23, 2019 at 05:23 pm by bryan

(MURFREESBORO) There is a critical need for type O negative blood donations now, and the HEART OF TENNESSEE CHAPTER, 501 Memorial Blvd., is giving away Red Cross long-sleeved T-shirt when you come to give by Jan. 5, while supplies last.

'Tis the season to take extra care of ourselves and each other. At this time of year, when the days are shorter and often much colder, we tend to talk more about giving, about volunteering, about looking after our neighbors - the ones we know, and the ones we may never meet. One quick way to help? Give blood. There's a critical need right now.

Think of it as an act of kindness and a break from the routine, all in one! You'll only spend about an hour at the Red Cross donation center or blood drive but it can be an hour away from shopping, cooking, answering work emails, fielding texts - although if you want, you can do all of that on your phone while you're here (except cooking!).


Murfreesboro American Red Cross
501 Memorial Blvd.
Various days and times available.
Sponsor Code: 285

Gold's Gym Smyrna
567 S.Lowry St.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Sponsor Code: GoldsSmyrna

Lowes Smyrna
410 Genie Lane
Thursday, January 9, 2020
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Sponsor Code: LowesSmyrna

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