Rutherford County Gets Award for Accounting Practices

Aug 10, 2011 at 12:39 pm by bryan

Rutherford County is one of eight counties in Tennessee that recently received national recognition from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for outstanding accounting practices. 

The GFOA presents certificates of achievement to state and local governments across the country that exceed the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles and prepare comprehensive annual financial reports that provide high levels of transparency and disclosure about their operations.


“I want to congratulate officials in Rutherford County for their excellent work in preparing their financial documents,” Comptroller Justin P. Wilson said. “In order to maintain credibility with the public, I think it is extremely important for governments to be open in their financial dealings. The citizens of Rutherford County should be pleased that the people who represent their interests in county government have chosen to do far more than the minimum in making financial information available.”

“This is a significant recognition,” said Sen. Bill Ketron, who is chairman of the Fiscal Review Committee, which serves as the state’s watchdog on financial matters. “In current economic times, it is more important than ever that we have the highest level of financial scrutiny in handling taxpayer money. I heartily congratulate our local officials for their outstanding work.”

“This award recognizes the counties that are doing an outstanding job in tracking their finances,” Sen. Jim Tracy said. “People who live in Rutherford County have good reason to be proud.”

“When it comes to handling the taxpayers’ money, it’s important for government officials to do more than meet minimum requirements,” Rep. Pat Marsh said. “And this award demonstrates that officials in Rutherford County are doing more than meeting the minimum requirements.”

“I commend Rutherford County for being recognized by the GFOA,” Rep. Mike Sparks said. “This is an award that may not be familiar to many people in the general public, but it’s very important to people who work as government accountants. Counties that earn this distinction can serve as role models for their peers across the country.”

“Once again, under the more than capable leadership of Mayor Ernest Burgess, County Trustee Teb Batey and the County Commission, Rutherford County moves forward with tried and true conservative principles of efficient and accountable government,” said Rep. Joe Carr.

“I’d like to commend Rutherford County Mayor Ernest Burgess for his outstanding leadership and attention to detail when it comes to the finances of Rutherford County,” Rep. Rick Womick said. “He is a true asset and a huge benefit to the people of Rutherford County.”

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