Swap and Shop for Thursday

May 03, 2018 at 08:11 am by bryan

For Sale: a wooden bunk bed twin on top and full on bottom and it also has 7 drawers (615) 995-0954

Wants: electric forklift batteries and a bush hog 615-848-3601

For Sale: AMT 380 caliber stainless semi-automatic pistol call or text 615-785-5288

Yard Sale: 3360 Bradyville Pike on May 4 and 5. Antiques, furniture, lamps , baby clothes, dishes, crystal and etc.

For Sale: Nice four foot tall, two foot wide wood bookshelf. Four shelfs. $15.00. Call or text 615-542-8522

For Sale: flip over ladder rack for a full size van 615-522-1493

Wants to buy: 16 ft. Trailer with ramp call or text (615) 785-5288

For Sales: Craftsman 19HP riding mower with bagger, push mower, bicycles 615-987-6371

Wants: dog pen 615-556-4915

For Sale: hay (square and rolls); WD Allis Chalmers farm tractor $1,500; diamond plate 12-foot flat bed 931-808-5644

Sections: Swap and Shop