Swap'n Shop for Thursday

Jul 06, 2017 at 08:19 am by bryan

For Sale: 4 shelf wood bookcase, 2X4ft tall $15.00 text or call 615-542-8522

WANTED: blooded blue healer puppy's call or text me at 615-653-1249

For Sale: 2001 van 615-522-1493

For Sale: trailer in La Vergne (3 BR, 2 baths, with a lot (close to Nissan) 615-977-5098

Wants: storage building 615-593-8422

Wants Job: painting, ashphalt, brick and block, etc. 615-681-0249

Garage Sale: Friday and Saturday (7AM each day) at 2467 Armstong Valley Rd. 615-893-9418

For Sale: 20-foot stock trailer; Pepsi machine; 1988 Ford F-350 pickup (fixer' upper) 615-542-8174

For Sale: wet bales of hay in field $1 per bale 931-808-5644

Wants: large man's bicycle (good shape) 615-439-0002

For Sale: kingsize bed (with head board and frame), cherry color, $75 (Christiana) 615-427-9542

YARD SALE: Friday and Saturday (6AM-?) at 114 Twin Oak Drive (tools, shop items, small equipment, and a classic car)

Sections: Swap and Shop