Voter Turnout Extremely Low

May 07, 2014 at 01:01 am by bryan

Voter turnout in the GOP primary here in Rutherford County was extremely low. In fact, only 2-point-one-three-percent of the county's registered voters took part in the election. The total number of votes cast on Tuesday was 15,074.

No one seems to know the answer to why voter turnout is so low. Some point to voter apathy. Wikipedia defines voter apathy as preceived lack of caring. Nationally, the percentage of Americans eligible to vote who did cast a ballot was 63-percent in 1960. But that number has fallen every year since.


Numerous reports suggest voter apathy is widespread and growing.  Vanderbilt professor Dana D. Nelson in Bad for Democracy argues that all citizens seem to do, politically, is vote for president every four years, and not much else; they've abandoned politics.

What are your thoughts? Did you vote? Why not, if you didn't? Share your comments on our website, or on our Facebook page. We'd love to hear what you have to say.

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