Monday Swap'n Shop

Aug 05, 2013 at 09:06 am by bryan

Free To Good Home: 2 pet Iguanas (will include aquarium and accessories $100) 617-3586

Free: kittens to a good home 801-2536

For Sale: 36-inch aerator and dethatcher $10 each 424-1354

For Sale: table and chairs $60; bed pan $20; lady's shoes $25 893-5476

Service: virtue classes for children and needs old picnic type table 396-8073

For Sale: fresh okra 896-2773

Moving Sale: 395 Barker Rd. in Readyville; For Sale: 8N Ford tractor; front end loader 563-9844

For Sale: Gibson guitar, only 25 made with RCA logo, $5,000 617-0313

For Sale: stuff in rented storage unit, $600 for it all; washer-dryer $250 225-7845

For Sale: pair of Riverdale girl's small gym shorts $3 233-5527

For Sale: dishes (ice creams cups and saucers) 931-639-4457

Wants: microwave to fit under cabinet 473-8917

Sections: Swap and Shop