Monday Swap'n Shop

Sep 09, 2013 at 08:13 am by bryan

For Sale: 6 man tent, Coleman stove—all camping gear; Service: will do electrical work 506-0431

For Sale: Border Collie pups (4 weeks old) $100 each 796-4406

For Sale: 500 gallon propane tank; 8N Ford tractor; Wants: to buy house in Woodbury and Woodland area 765-5203

For Sale: 1999 Mercury Grand Marquis 306-4613

Event: grief share program starts tonight 6:30-8:00PM at Barfield Baptist (13-week program, come to one or all) 896-2490

Wants: handyman to lay floor 971-4327

For Sale: 3.1 V-6 Chevy motor $200 207-5665

Wants: someone to cut hedge 893-9203

For Sale: cherry china cabinet $500 ($1200 new); antique cherry canopy bed $500 617-3586

Sections: Swap and Shop