Monday Swap'n Shop

Jan 06, 2014 at 09:14 am by bryan

For Sale: 33 shot glasses $75; oil, water color, pen and ink art; lady's ring 617-3586

Service: any outside general yard work 568-6703

Wants: good used full-size pickup 979-2408

For Sale: green leather couch and loveseat with flowers $100 for both 806-5832

For Sale: firewood 895-6195 (pickup on Mars Hill off 231-South)

For Sale: washer (like new Whirlpool) $150 896-1162

Wants: cheap X-Box 350 568-6703

For Sale: breakfast table and chairs $60; 2 big chair $150 each 893-5476

For Sale: lady's leather Soma coat (large) $75 call after noon 895-1688

For Sale: 2 HP printers $20 for both 594-1645

Sections: Swap and Shop