Whitworth Buchanan Middle School's Singing and Music Camp July 18-20

Jul 08, 2011 at 07:37 am by bryan

The first annual STAR Camp will be held at Whitworth Buchanan Middle School on July 18th through the 20th. It is designed for rising 6th through 8th graders from any school or county in Tennessee. There will be three days filled with singing, music, rhythm and stage training from several prominent guest clinicians. The camp will show the students how to express themselves through performance and learn how to connect with the audience and capture the spotlight. Learn how to audition or just be comfortable in a group! Registration starts at 8:00 on Monday, July 18th. The fee is $75. Each day begins at 8:00 in the morning and continues until 3:00 in the afternoon. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

For more information about the Whitworth-Buchanan Middle School Choir program; please visit their website:  http://www.wbm.rcschools.net/teachers/moorema/Web/index.htm

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