Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Feb 18, 2015 at 08:10 am by bryan

For Sale: carpet pad (new) $50 per roll (industrial type); marble back splash $40 each 970-0981

For Sale: 52-inch oak DR table with chairs $350; Duncan Fife couch; antique lamps 589-1269

Will help: has chain saws and a bunch of guys to cut wood, haul off 593-8422

For Sale: 800 square bales of straw; male and female Holsteins 809-6079

For Sale: Coca Cola plates and serving platter; 2 Coke glasses and serving bowl 848-3521

Free: desk 867-8701

Wants: firewood to burn in a shop (dry seasoned, couple of ricks) 895-3410

For Sale: kerosene heater $45 556-9535

Wants: treadmill (fair price) 848-0463

For Sale: breakfast table and chairs $45; 2 big lounge chairs $120 each; Spiderman game $35 893-5076

Sections: Swap and Shop