MTSU Catalog Now ON-LINE!

Jul 21, 2011 at 05:55 pm by bryan

After 100 years of an undergraduate catalog students could hold, flip through and search for courses and other helpful information, the dawn of a new century for MTSU means change for the historic catalog. 

Just in time for CUSTOMS freshman orientation, the University rolled out the Online Undergraduate Catalog, which can be found at


The 2011-12 version has a Centennial flavor with a home-page introduction that includes an image of the Class of 1925. MTSU Creative and Visual Services created it with images throughout provided by the Albert Gore Center.

The online version, which now is prepared by the Office of the University Provost, is the vision of Mitzi Brandon and Sherian Huddleston with input from a transition team. "It looks totally different," said Brandon. "For many years, it was prepared by Publication and Graphics" (now Creative and Visual Services).

Huddleston, who came out of retirement to assist with the product, said they "created an MTSU online catalog unique to MTSU out of a software template. It has a personality of its own.”

 The new online catalog, which will be published each spring, replaces the bound paper catalog, which had grown to 408 pages by the 2009-11 volume. This catalog and four others dating to 2001-03 remain available as PDFs. The 2010-12 Graduate Catalog is still available in print and PDF and will be brought online as the 2011-12 Graduate Catalog in August.

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