Riverdale FFA Model Program

Aug 05, 2011 at 01:28 pm by bryan

The Riverdale High School Agricultural Education program has been selected as a Finalist by the National FFA Organization to be a National Model of Innovation/Outstanding Program. Being selected as one of only ten schools in the nation, they have already secured a grant for the program, but in addition, Riverdale FFA members will compete at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN for top honors in October.  Each year hundreds of the best agricultural education programs, in conjunction with their FFA chapter, complete a highly competitive application process detailing the programs student, community, and chapter activities. This is the first time a Rutherford County Agricultural Education program has been recognized on the national level as an Outstanding Model Program.    

The National Model of Innovation program is designed to recognize program success in student development, team work, and community service, and to award those programs which are leaders and innovators in the nation.  With nearly 7,500 programs, it is an honor to be recognized as one of the best in the nation at National FFA Convention, one of the world’s largest annual youth conventions, and featured in future publications that will be distributed throughout the nation.
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