For Sale: white metal dining room table with 2 matching chairs (circa 1950) $35 295-5505
For Sale: set of 7 seasoned black iron skillets $60 895-8489
For Sale: Blackberry and Cricket phone 542-4049
Wants: riding mower (rear engine type) 971-4327
For Sale: Samsung cell phone (smart phone) 306-4613
Free: electric stove (works great); For Sale: 1989 Chevy pickup (needs motor) 890-4233
For Sale: computer desk $20; ¾ inch plywood $10; color TV with DVD player $10 569-7734
For Rent: horse pasture around Florence Rd.; 1956 Chevy Bel Air $8,500; bumper pool table 243-7736
For Sale: red 1985 Chevy Silverado; 16-foot car hauler; Yard Sale: 10AM today at 395 Barker Rd. in Readyville (3 families) 563-9844
Wants: 6 young game hens; For Sale: 3 donkeys 848-3590
For Sale: box of dishes and waffle iron $15; new Duro toaster oven $20; new Dean Martin video $10 890-0707
Yard Sale: Wed-Sat 8AM-? 113 Glaze Ct. lots of treasures 848-4454
For Sale: mobile home trailer; cell phone; 25-inch color TV 410-0728
For Sale: 4 x 5-foot trailer with 2 new tires 731-225-8239
Wants: aluminum full size truck tool box with key lock 568-1361
Wants: good hard working women to help clean garage to get ready for a yard sale 895-8489
Event: Cainsville United Method Church 6AM-Nonn this Saturday with country ham breakfast including all trimmings, bake sale, yard sale