For Sale: curio cabinet; beer steins 295-5505
For Sale: 8N Ford tractor; front-end loader; riding mower 563-9844
Free: 3 Rat Terrier dogs 542-3653
For Sale: 1986 Toyota pickup, 5 speed standard, 4 wheel drive; 1997 Dodge Ram 2500, 4 wheel drive, $3,000 each; Chevy S-10 motor and transmission 893-2474
For Sale: solid wood desk $25; glider rocker with foot stool $25; 30-inch oak lamp with glass panels $35 631-6930
For Sale: 20 VHS Andy Griffith 274-3255
For Sale; BR set $150; armoire $100; swimming pool $60 336-5004
Found: 2 Chihuahuas on John Bragg Highway, found Sunday afternoon 692-2981
For Sale: cherry lady's vanity $55 557-6746
For Sale: Elvis VHS $2-$3 each 396-7469
Wants: child's XL football helmet 473-1086