Swap and Shop for Friday

Feb 22, 2013 at 08:10 am by bryan

For Sale: 4 qt Microwave roaster for $10 and a stock pot for $20 and two corning ware baking dishes 631-6930

For Sale: Pocket knives (5) and music boxes and a bread maker (like new) 895-2037

FREE: Great Piranese dog 615-218-7412

GARAGE SALE: 1138 Knox Road off John Bragg Hwy – TODAY and SAT. from 8AM to 4PM 563-3027

For Sale: Mp3 player 615-907-1917 - $20

For Sale: 1999 Gibson Les Paul guitar for $800 and an acoustic guitar for $200 – nice shape – 617-3586

For Sale: Dining room table and six chairs 578-7991

For Sale: Wood burning stove with a glass door 542-5073 - $150 – Jeff

YARD SALE: NOW – Jewelry, clothes  110 Terrytown Drive in Smyrna now until 5 today an Sat. 751-7736

Sections: Swap and Shop