Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Feb 27, 2013 at 08:30 am by bryan

For Sale: seasoned firewood (oak and locust) 893-3556

For Sale: 4 Rubermaid cereal containers; 104 8 oz. Hot-cold cups; chrome gas light $35 631-6930

For Sale: 4 lots at Roselawn 796-9898

For Sale: bursh guard for 199-2001 Land Rover 428-0141

For Sale: 4 kerosene lamps; Home Interior sets; pocket knives 895-2037

For Sale: 35-foot, 3 axel Air Stream travel trailer; storage shed (12 x 24-ft.); 6 acres on S. Windrow Rd. 895-3160

For Sale: 2003 white Chevy 4-door truck, diesel, needs some motor work 405-0712

For Sale: 2007 Honda 450-R 4-wheeler 653-1061

For Sale: 1980 Monte Caro 556-9535

Wants: go cart for child 649-2835

For Sale: recliner 663-6598

Sections: Swap and Shop