Sat. (Sept. 16, 2023) 8:00AM - 2:30PM Ride, drive, run in HABITAT FOR HUMANITIES' "15th Annual Poker Fun Run", along with a 26.2 mile Marathon Relay Run.
- POKER RUN for motorcycles and cars begins at 8 AM at the Habitat for Humanity office (850 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.). Then a 100-mile poker run through the beautiful Tennessee countryside.
- 26.2 mile Marathon Relay Run: Join Redeemed Runners at 6:30AM at Mayday Brewery (521 Old Salem Rd.) for a 26.2 mile Marathon Relay Run. The marathon begins at 7AM.
Motorcycles, cars and runners all end up at Mayday Brewery (521 Old Salem Rd.), for lunch, live music by the Whiskey Smoke Band and many prizes, 11am – 2:30pm. Tickets: $35 for driver or runner, $25 per passenger – includes t-shirt, lunch, entertainment, and prizes. $15 for general admission (lunch and entertainment) and $10 for kids.