Event: The Commonwealth Quartet will be performing at Emmanuel Baptist Church at the corner of Halls Hill Pike and Lillard Rd on Saturday, between 6 and 8 PM - All are invited to attend.
FOR SALE: A medical scooter in Great condition Brand new Batteries asking $600 - Call 615-864-5064
FOR SALE: 4-ft. Tall brown folding bookcase $30; large plastic storage boxes 3 for $10 , electric razor--works well, $7. Call 615-713-6286
FOR SALE: Samsung steam dryer. $1200 when it was new will sell for $550. 615-498-3000.
FOR SALE: Grand"mother" clock for sale! 615-653-9156
FOR SALE: Baby Bassinet $50,white changing table $75 and lots of baby boy clothes some are new size newborn to 12 months different prices 629-543-8257
FOR SALE: Two wheel trailer 615-653-9156