FALL LEAF COLLECTION (City of Murfreesboro residents only)

Sep 23, 2023 at 01:35 pm by WGNS

(Oct. 2, 2023 - Jan 31, 2024) Fall Leaf Collection inside the Murfreesboro city limits only. Both loose. Murfreesboro residents can rake their leaves to the street and pile them curbside or they can place this lawn debris in biodegradable sacks and place them within 10-feet of the road. City vacuum trucks as well as boom trucks will canvass residential areas of Murfreesboro twice monthly and pick-up the leaves. There is no additional fee for this service; it is covered in your city taxes.

To make the annual leaf collection process go smoothly, residents should follow simple guidelines to improve service and efficiencies for City crews and customers:  
•    DO NOT combine large tree limbs and leaves, place leaves in separate piles parallel to the street.
•    DO NOT place yard trimmings and leaf collection in ditches around or on top of structures such as mailboxes, fences, meter lids, utility lines, utility poles, etc.
•    DO NOT place foreign debris such as lumber, household trash, and other types of debris in your leaf pile. It will not be picked up if found.
•    DO NOT set clippings or leaves in vacant lots or on vacant properties. This is illegal dumping.
•    DO NOT place loose leaves under low-lying power lines and cable lines to allow room for the boom to work.
•    DO NOT park a vehicle near the leaf pile during daylight hours.
Only biodegradable paper bags are accepted for those residents who choose to bag their leaves.  

For more information on City of Murfreesboro Solid Waste, visit https://www.murfreesborotn.gov/solidwaste.

Sections: GNE General Events