Joint Pledge: ALL Law Enforcement Agencies

Apr 04, 2020 at 11:47 am by bryan

(Murfreesboro-Woodbury) A unique statement has been made by all law enforcement agencies serving Rutherford and Cannon counties, "Together, we are dedicated to the safety of our citizens. Our goal during this declared state of emergency is to ensure the welfare of everyone living in this jurisdiction. Based on what is known about the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the best ways to accomplish this goal is to stay home, away from other people who might unknowingly be carrying the virus."

Stay At Home

In order to prevent the spread of the virus, Governor Bill Lee has issued Executive Order 23. This order requires that the citizens of the State of Tennessee stay home, unless engaged in essential activity or services. Based on this order, the law enforcement agencies of this district are asking for your help: Unless you need to leave your home for an emergency, Please Stay Home!

Local law enforcement departments around the state have been given the authority to enforce stay at home orders along with orders to close non-essential businesses. Lee explained more...

Law enforcement departments say they will ensure that closures of non-essential businesses are monitored, and gain request that people refrain from unnecessary travel and activities that could provide means for the virus to spread.

Nationwide, there are over 277,000 positive cases of COVID-19 and more than 6,600 deaths.

The officers of every law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction will remain on duty and will be working to ensure your safety. Just as much as everyone else, we are looking forward to the end of this emergency and the return to normal life. Until that time, please assist us in keeping everyone safe.

For more information about Governor Lee's order, please refer to

Authorities ask that citizens please refrain from calling 9-11 with questions about essential businesses, because law enforcement needs to keep these lines open for emergency calls.

For a complete list of "essential" and "non-essential" businesses, visit

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