Record Jumpers at SportsCom's "Polar Bear Plunge"

Jan 07, 2019 at 07:55 am by bryan

(MURFREESBORO) SportsCom's Superintendent Bart Fite welcomed a record number of jumpers to the 17th Annual Polar Bear Plunge at 10:00 o'clock Saturday morning (1/5/2019) at the Boro Beach.

Sunshine, blue skies and temps in the upper 40s were a major improvement to last year's ice, snow and mercury at 24-degrees. As you recall, ice was forming in the pool last year and had to be broken for the jumpers to participate (see left photo).

Fite commented...

The admission for the plungers was a donation of non-perishable food that will be distributed to the needy through Greenhouse Ministries.

The fun began with an Artic Adventure inside the warm gym at SportsCom. There were bounce houses, games, food, and fun.

Then at 10:00AM everyone strolled outside to make the plunge into the Boro Beach on a sunny morning.

Fite reminded that the "Buy One, Get One Free" deal to purchase monthly passes only has a few remaining days...

Fite thanked everyone for participating, and said he looks forward to the 2020 event.

Hear the complete interview with SportsCom's Bart Fite:

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