State Senate Candidate Shane Reeves Announces Teb Batey as Campaign Treasurer and First Fundraiser

Nov 13, 2017 at 12:06 pm by bryan

Republican Candidate for the 14th District Special Election Senate Primary, Shane Reeves, formally announced his campaign treasurer and first fundraiser today led by Campaign Finance Director, Rachel Barrett.

"I am proud and humbled to announce Teb Batey as my campaign treasurer. Teb and I have been friends for 40 years. Just like the others on my campaign team, Teb shares the same commitment to conservative values that myself and the voters of the 14th Senatorial district care about. His commitment to integrity and good character make him the perfect fit for my campaign treasurer," said Mr. Reeves.

Teb Batey, was elected as Rutherford County's Trustee in 2006. He and his wife, Kari, live in the Milton area of Rutherford County.

"I have known Shane and his family for many years and he will represent us well in the State Senate. Shane has spent his life serving our community as a business leader and our state could use someone of his character and background to lead on issues like healthcare and business," said Mr. Batey.

Mr. Batey continued, "His commitment to faith, family, and conservative values, along with his business background make him the perfect fit for this office."

Mr. Reeves also announced today his first fundraiser will take place in Rutherford County at the home of Wayne and Kathy Nobles on Monday, December 4. The fundraiser already features 50 host couples and continues to grow. The list will be published at a later date.

Mr. Reeves also has a Shelbyville fundraiser in the works along with meet and greets in each county of the 14th senate district.

To learn more about Shane Reeves, visit

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