For Sale: cell phone with keyboard $50; billfold with chain $10; electric blanket (queen size) $20 542-1602
For Sale: patio set that includes a glider sofa and 2 glider chairs—$60 for all 3 pieces; fishing gear; chairs 663-9432
Helping Hand: has items for the lady who called Swap’n Shop last week who had a neice who just had a baby and needed anything for newborns. This group collected some things, but the phone number left has been disconnected 904-0591
For Sale: big Dominicker rooster and 5 hens 895-5156
For Sale: ;75-080 concrete blocks; kitchen island; dog house 653-0769
For Sale: Indian couch 355-7534
Free: puppy (Jack Russell and half Chihuahua) call after 5:30PM 896-5320
For Sale: small chest type deep freeze $30; large wire dog cage $20 568-1361
For Sale: room full of furniture (love seat, chase, ottoman and more) $200 for all 308-1082
Moving Sale: window AC; sectional with 2 recliners; kitchen appliances 485-0938
For Sale: set of metal rails for 1-ton flat bed truck $140; antique dresser (1930) with closet on back $350 653-3680
For Sale: old 33 rpm records 893-3382
Wants: saddle bags for motorcycle 809-4591